A self paced course for new or soon to be puppy parents.

Course Summary

Learn SUPER SKILLS all puppy owners wish they had known.

Set YOU and YOUR PUPPY up for SUCCESS by putting a routine in place before he arrives.

Know how to deal with the things most new puppy owners worry about - before they even become a problem.

*  Establish a routine
*  Prevent puppy biting
*  Toilet training
*  Appropriate chewing
*  Interacting with family members appropriately, particularly children

*  Crate or pen training
*  Getting a good nights sleep
*  What to feed your puppy

I have had 3 puppies of my own in the last 10 years and have run puppy preschool classes for the past 20 + years, so I have a trick or two up my sleeve!

Join me for my self paced course or for a small extra fee, take advantage of a one-to-one zoom consultation for up to 90 minutes to get practical advice tailored to YOUR new puppy and YOUR family.  Access your course curriculum online for loads more information, help and advice and work through at your own pace.


Bonus # 1

What you feed your dog dictates how healthy he is throughout his life, how he will maintain his body weight, his mental and general health and well-being.  In addition to the above, I will send you the bonus e-book on 'Feeding Your Dog.'

Bonus # 2

Do you know that puppies need ALOT of sleep?  Sleep is when learning is cemented, growing is done and digestion, body and cell repair take place.  In addition to the above and bonus #1, I will send you the e-book 'Sleep'.


Be Prepared

Self Paced 

Video Vault

Printable Handouts

You can never start preparing too early!  
Watch the videos, read the handouts and e-books and understand life through your puppy's eyes.

Work at your own pace through the course to give you and your puppy the best start together.

A set of videos for you to access to give you knowledge about the things that most puppy parents worry about.  You are not alone!  Setting up beforehand helps to give you 'superskills.'

A set of printable handouts available to download, so you can quickly reference what needs to be done.


Extra Support

What's Next?

E-Books to add extra learning about the importance of sleep and a good quality diet.

If you would like more support there is an option to add in a zoom consultation for an extra fee.  

Join our comprehensive Online Puppy Training Course.
Ideal for puppies who have not yet completed their vaccination course, for nervous pups, or for people who would rather not mix with others just yet.  **Launching soon.**

Course Curriculum

Course Pricing



    • Self Study
    • Work at your own pace
    • Hurry - catch this offer before the price increases!
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