Building Your Dog's Confidence the ACE Way

Animal Centred Education - 6 week on-line programme


Building Your Dog's Confidence The ACE Way

If your dog struggles with aspects of his life it can be isolating for you, emotional, embarrassing, and can leave you feeling like you're the only guardian in the world who has a dog with issues!

I GET IT!    I'VE BEEN THERE.    I have a dog who struggles and I have been in your position.  

Learning that my dog was not being difficult, he was having difficulties, was the best thing anyone ever taught me.  It helped me to understand that behind the outward behaviour he was showing, there was an internal emotion or need that was not being addressed.

Animal Centred Education (ACE) is an integrated approach to animal education and incorporates methods developed by Sarah Fisher at Tilley Farm and inspired by other professionals working in the field of animal education and welfare.

ACE combines observations of posture, movement and sensory education to improve awareness of the animal's needs and highlights areas where they may require additional support.

ACE gives animals' choice and a voice!                                                                                                         Sarah Fisher

Join me on a 6 week voyage of discovery!


Power up your skills

Unlock Potential

Strengthen Your Bond

Identify areas where your dog struggles and explore the process behind the behaviour you are seeing.

Learn new ACE skills to help support your dog and build his confidence.

Unlock your dog's potential so that he can be the very best version of himself.  

Your dog is truly unique. Whatever life has thrown at him and where ever you are on your journey, you can do this together and strengthen your bond.

Support every step of the way!

6 week On-Line Zoom Class

Learn new skills each week and get to practice in the privacy of your own home

Worksheets and Extra Resources

Simple weekly worksheets and resources to add to your learning

Video Vault

Extra videos to explore

Downloadable Handouts and E-Books

Handouts and e-books to download and keep

New Skills

Individualized support for your dog


Access to your course even after the closing date.  Work at your own pace.

Course Curriculum

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Building Your Dog's Confidence the ACE Way


  • Introductory Price

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I had been working with Tracy to help my boy, Themba, deal with anxiety with other dogs and the outside world in general.

Tracy suggested using Freework as a way to help my boy relax/reset after a walk or any situation that had raised his anxiety. It has been a revelation and so much fun for both of us - with Freework and ACE I'm able to provide a setting for Themba where he can totally relax, have a wander around the garden/the house with a choice of Freework stations.

He is in control, he can take as much time as he wants; I can involve myself or just step back and observe him. This has really helped me to understand my dog better, improve our relationship and increase Themba's confidence.

I am able to better understand his body language (which has been a great help when walking him in situations that he can find challenging). I've been able to use things I already have around the house/garden so it's not expensive, no additional items need to be bought - it just needs a bit of imagination and time.

Tracy guided me through it all with patience, understanding, good humour and so much positive feedback - it has been one of the best ways to help Themba deal with life in the human world and Tracy is truly remarkable, so very grateful for all her help and expertise, thank you xxx