Anxiety in Dogs Series - Article 1 - Sometimes Anxiety Doesn't Shout It Whispers

Anxiety in Dogs Series - Article 1


Apart from the obvious signs of stress - such as barking, whining, or attempting to escape a situation - did you know that your dog WHISPERS their discomfort long before they resort to 'shouting' to be heard?   Recognising these subtle signs help to address their anxiety before it escalates.

Have you noticed any of these whispers?     


  1. Whiskers – are your dog’s whiskers mobile – do you notice them moving more than normal?  This is a communication tool between dogs which may indicate increasing stress levels.
  2. Heavy breathing or panting – is your dog breathing heavily or panting even though it is not hot? Increased stress levels can cause body chemistry changes which cause these behaviours.
  3. Intense licking – is your dog licking an area over and over – almost obsessively? This can be a way to self soothe if your dog feels anxious.
  4. Sleeping more – does your dog seems really tired?  It could be stress – when high levels of stress hormones decrease it can leave your dog more tired than normal.
  5. Paw Lifting - Some dogs are bred or trained to indicate by lifting a paw such as a hunting or detection dogs, However in the pet dog a paw lift can be a sign that he is worried, particularly if it is coupled with other signs your dog is anxious.
  6. Eating - Dog’s normally clear their bowls readily. Any inappetence should always be checked by your Vet but it could also be a sign of stress. The chemical released during a scary event can cause your dog to feel nauseous.
  7. Red Eyes – some dogs when they have long term stress and anxiety have a congested conjunctiva which may make the eyes look red.

In the wild our dogs' ancestors instinctively self-medicated by selecting plants from their environment to restore balance and alleviate stress.  This natural behaviour is known and botanical self selection, or by its scientific name, Zoopharmacognosy.

Today, our dogs live in a world shaped by human choices, which can sometimes lead to confidence and behavioural challenges.  As an Animal PsychAromatica (APA) certificated practitioner and holistic canine coach, I use a system of plant medicine, natural management, stress reduction, support and Animal Centred Education (ACE) to help your dog restore emotional and physical wellbeing, naturally.

If you have recognised one or more of these subtle whispers, then your dog may benefit from confidence building.  My courses are designed to help you identify areas where your dog struggles, enhance your ability to support them, build, or rebuild a solid bond with your dog and unlock their potential to be the very best versions of themselves.

All my courses are delivered by zoom, so you don't even have to leave the comfort of your home.

To learn more about my programmes click here.

Let's chat about the best way to support your dog.