Assisting your dog to be the very best version of themselves

Botanical Self-Healing and ACE Canine Coaching

Hello and Welcome!  

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to have a look around my site.

I am Tracy Brind,  practitioner of Botanical Self-Healing (Zoopharmacognosy) in dogs, Animal Centred Education (ACE) Associate Tutor,  Animal PsychAromatica (APA) Wellness practitioner, holistic canine coach, and owner of Canine Senses.

I have worked with dogs for over 40 years, so I bring with me a wealth of knowledge from my time working as a veterinary nurse, puppy preschool leader and holistic practitioner.

Please feel free to browse away and contact me to discuss more about what I do and how I can support you and your dog.

Click the button below to contact me for a FREE 30-minute, no- obligation chat. 

How Can I Help?

Would you like to holistically support your dog's health?

Are behavioural challenges preventing your dog from reaching his full potential?

Is your dog worried about life and could do with a confidence boost?

I have a solution for you!  

Botanical Self Healing -
The APA System

ACE Canine Coaching

The Dynamic Duo

Want to know more?

30-minute free chat

About Me

Having grown up with animals, I found it only natural to dedicate my career to them!

I have worked with dogs professionally from the age of 17 as a veterinary nurse, pet health counsellor, puppy preschool leader and client educator.  I then added the power of plant medicine and became 1 of only a handful of professionally certified practitioners of botanical self-healing in dogs.  

I fulfilled my dream of opening my own holistic dog practice in 2020 and offer Botanical Self Healing (Zoopharmacognosy), Animal PsychAromatica (APA) wellness  and Animal Centred Education (ACE) consultations both in the UK and abroad.

*  Practitioner of Botanical Self Healing in Dogs
*  Animal Centred Education (ACE) Associate Tutor  
*  Animal PsychAromatica (APA) Wellness practitioner
*  Advanced Pet Health Counsellor - Diploma
*  Behaviour Diploma - BVNA
*  Puppy Training Specialist Certificate - Dog Training College
*  Advanced Certificate in Raw Feeding, Nutrition and Holistic Health
*  OCN NI Level 3 Award in Pet First Aid and Cardiopulmonary and Cerebral Resuscitation

 I carry out CPD regularly to keep myself up to date with current training and holistic advances.


I couldn't recommend working with the botanicals and Tracy enough!  We adopted a Romanian rescue dog Maggie in June who was terrified of everything, she sat in the corner for 3 months and we couldn't even look at her.  

The only way to interact with her was via the oils which she has loved from day one and it was lovely to do something positive with her (which also allowed her to destress and relax).

Tracy was there to provide support and advice throughout the process and as Maggie's confidence has grown we've moved from hydrosols to the essential oils.  

We're continuing to use them to support her with new environments and Tracy has always been there for guidance.  


You undoubtedly have a magical touch with dogs and I am so pleased we were introduced to you for help with our dog Spot.

He is doing really well with the botanical healing which has been very positive and I am so pleased that it has opened my eyes to these different avenues.

It is very interesting and intriguing to see you at work in these session.

Your additional help with different training tips has also been very well received.


Tracy has vast experience due to Veterinary background and her advice is first rate, accurate and very professional.

200% recommended.


Botanical self-healing for dogs (Zoopharmacognosy), APA System and ACE are not a substitute for veterinary care, they are  complementary practices.
If your dog is unwell, please seek advice from your vet.